6 years 0 Isabela 1
Weekly Points

Hi there!

I've been making mystery shops for about three or four months now and the isecretshop website have been one where I am the most active comparing all the others companies.

I love the fact that they attribute points for our shops and are also very helpful in answering your questions.

I was wondering, though, if anyone knows where I could go on the website to see the history of my points to learn about what gave me points and also what took points away for me.

If anyone knows this information on how to find it, please do not hesitate on letting me know.

In the meantime I would like to wish you all a great Sunday and also very good luck on your future shops. Mystery shopping have been a great interpersonal experience that is absolutely helping me to grow in my communication skills. That is for sure.

I hope I hear back from any of you soon. Looking forward.


Isabela B. Braga