4 years +1 azlilis 3
Shops sent back for revision, no revision needed

If the report is broken into sections and has a comment box for each section, explain it in that comment box rather than at the end. I edit for a company, and the editors are the only ones that see those comments at the end, it doesn't make it back to the client. Otherwise, if something gets sent back and you're not able to fix it, or if it's information given to you by the employee, just explain that in detail.

4 years +1 azlilis 3
New to ISS Saying HELLO!

Ivan @ Dec 15, 2019 9:49:08 PM

Thank you for the link! I've been doing this for about six months and I'm still learning, it was very helpful!

4 years +1 azlilis 3
Hi there!

I've been on iSS for a few months, but I just really started shopping with them. I started shopping because I had been on the receiving end of so many shops in my life, from a crew member to management, and know first hand how a vaguely worded narrative can be the difference between coming up with a working solution or a poor solution. The only thing that mattered to corporate was that something was done, and there were times it cost people their jobs.

I have only been shopping for about 6 months or so, but I've been enjoying it enough that I want to try and make a business out of it!

I look forward to working with you all!