Beth _16040723375043
3 years (Edited 3 years) 0 Beth _16040723375043 1
New to Secret Shop!

(Hello - from Illinois)..I'm a newbie here..needed an extra way to possibly earn a little extra cash. I'm hoping that becoming a Mystery Shopper with iSpy, I will be able to do this. I realize potential opportunities in my area may be limited, however; I am excited to to become a Mystery Shopper and eager to be accepted for my first assignment. Truthfully, our relatively smaller region could use more of "US" to evaluate businesses, chain stores, dining establishments to observe, collect misc data for them. Alot of the times, numerous businesses taking only the minimal steps, could in fact, substantially increase their profits, increase morale in businesses and could possibly make a huge impact in employees wages; which adds to a businesses future success. I hope my contribution, however small, adds to this and that I'm also able to reach my personal goal of financial independence and freedom. So, to everyone, "HELLO" and I hope to learn something from all of you while here..

Hello..I'm new to all of this also..I'm excited and a bit Good luck and Best wishes to you..
Hello..and me,too. Kinda all seems a little overwhelming, doesnt it? Good luck in your in potential opportunities.