6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Badge Categories ? and suggestion

Hey, I did a shop across the country too and did not receive the badge. I think I will open a ticket too.

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54

What you see is what's out there. No matter how experienced or not you are, we can all see all of the available shops. It just makes a difference in whether or not you may get the shop if there are a lot of applications for the same assignment.

However, I do sometimes get emails/calls/texts offering me a shop before it is made publicly available on job boards. This has only happened when I have done that assignment in the past. It's usually for a larger project, or a bundle of locations all for the same client. Many assignments that you complete can turn into regular work :)

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Brand new!

^ Yes, definitely make sure flash and sound are off haha

When taking photos of the exterior of a building, I always do it as I am leaving. That way even if they do see you, your interaction with them is already completed.

Nobody can tell if you are using your front or rear-facing camera. To make it look more like I'm taking a selfie when I'm not, sometimes I will adjust my hair and smile or pose at the camera. These days, people always have their phones glued to their hands and take pictures of everything, so I doubt it raises much suspicion.

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Hello New

Welcome Charla! That's so interesting. I've never worked in food or entertainment or anything. I've always wondered what it's like for the folks on the other side when they get the results of our reports. Has anyone here experienced that?

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
New guy

Welcome new folks! I am shopping in Los Angeles/Orange County, CA. Always happy to answer any questions.

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Take a few years off and everything changes!

I've noticed companies change MSPs over time. If the business is still open, you know somebody has them, so just keep looking around :)

Also, welcome back! And your screen name is hilarious

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Gillian from Las Vegas, NV here!

My favorite thing is the flexibility to make my own schedule. I travel frequently, and I can't imagine any 9-5 office job that would let me take a vacation every month. Or let me sleep in til noon when I feel like it. I also appreciate the independence.

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Issues with the app

When I first started using the app on my phone, I noticed that photos taken with the app are not saved to your phone anywhere. That worried me, so I always take photos with my regular camera app, then upload them. Sometimes I lose my connection while out doing a shop (like if I'm in a parking garage or something), so I just wouldn't risk it.

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54

When you log in to isecretshop.com, your badges will show up in the upper left hand corner under your name and reputation rank.

You can click on them or go to isecretshop.com/badges to see more details, including your progress to the next level and unearned badges.

6 years 0 HeatherAnnie 54
Weekly Points

Wow, that's a lot. You do get extra points for doing certifications, answering polls, etc... but I have no idea how you rack up that many in a week!