Mary Lou
11 months +1 Mary Lou 3
CIRRUS Not Paying

You need to call the owner and get aggressive. This is her usual pattern. There is a reason that scheduling companies don?t want to work with her. Get paid and never work for her again.

Mary Lou
10 months +2 Mary Lou 3
Cirrus Marketing

Cirrus will pay once you demand and threaten them. It's never less than 2 months. Usually, it is only once payment is demanded. Best to start demanding now rather than later, or you'll be lucky to be paid in 6 months.

This is not a normal situation in mystery shopping. It's just that this company has a history and pattern,

Mary Lou
9 months 0 Mary Lou 3
Cirrus Marketing

plants4jenio @ May 10, 2024, 6:48:29 PM
I?m still waiting for them to approve my submitted report from 2 weeks ago. I emailed them asking how long it normally takes to get approved - no response yet. I guess I?ll just be patient & not take any new jobs from them for now.

You will be demanding payment in 6 months. Mark my words. Don't do any more. Waste of your time. You'll need to add in the unpaid time it takes to collect your fee.