Submitting Reports

5 years 0 Julie_NM5117 1

I am starting to mystery shop again after being gone for several years and I am new to this site.

I have a phone shop scheduled for tomorrow which I will record per the shop directions. A report is also due at midnight. Do I send the report to the scheduler by email, or do I submit the report through this site?

5 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Submit the report through this site.

You have been gone for a while! Virtually all mystery shopping reports are submitted online through MSC websites or hosting platforms (such as iSS).

5 years 0 Debra_15801515824938 3

Sorry to interrupt this post, I am new and I have no idea how to post something.

5 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184

When you fill in the report, there will be a blue 'submit' button at the top to click

5 years 0 SethB 45

Hello and welcome! You can find a bunch of useful advice on the following forum thread:

5 years 0 Mark_15813485889672 32

I always finish the report directly after the shop and you complete it through the site/company you are contracted with or on a site like iSS.

4 years 0 Detra 1

MMy first shop is today but Im confused. Will I get a questionnaire to download and fill out then upload or do i fill out questionnaire online 9n the app......

4 years +1 Christi_9 5
Detra @ Oct 9, 2020, 12:17:50 PM
MMy first shop is today but Im confused. Will I get a questionnaire to download and fill out then upload or do i fill out questionnaire online 9n the app......

Follow the instructions in your approved shop. You can fill the information in the app or online (or both). Consider taking the iSS courses... they explain the details very well. Good luck!

4 years 0 Ivan 951


The shop reports are filled in online, directly on the website/app, section by section. You can access your shops through the Assigned Shops page.

Good luck!

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