Worth it??

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Immolatrix 31

I don't take any shops that require me to make a large upfront expenditure unless I would genuinely be willing to pay for the thing. For example, a restaurant is fine because I pay for my dinner and I wouldn't go anywhere I wouldn't want to eat anyway. But I won't purchase an item I wouldn't have purchased without the shop to reimburse me. I keep turning down a shop (from another company) of a high-end store that requires a purchase, pays only $15, and then says it's "your choice" whether to return or keep the item. I'm not making a purchase of that size and risking the company denying my return. If I was already going on a trip however, I would definitely take a shop for the chance to make a little money while there! That said, I've never had a problem with any of my shops and I've never had a shop denied (knock on wood!). If one of my shops needs attention they send it back to me to fix and re-submit.

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