Revealed Mystery Shops

2 years +2 Martin_Canada 125

I have been doing some HP reveled shops. Not too bad as I just show the authorization letter when I go in and have had no issues. Also an added bonus is the company pays you in US$ even though in Canada which is a 30% bonus for us here.

11 months 0 Maryann_16975884699924 2

I haven't but I often wondered whether I should. lol

9 months +1 Billie_16883547807566 10

I have done many gas station revealed shops and audits. I do not mind them at all. The only thing I hate is when the manager or other employee gets anxious and makes you wait while they call a higher up. I always have to explain this does not require me to see records or anything of a personal nature, but they get paranoid. I had several ask if it will damage them in any way if they say no, some have asked if I can return when a manager is on duty, and one lady started crying!

22 days 0 Nicky_17154489766862 3

I've done a lot of Gas Station reveal audits and I like them for the most part. When I started the pay was generous but now it takes a while before they start adding bonuses. I've had a few hiccups but it's not common. I had one gas station declined the audit claiming that he wasn't aware of it. I told my scheduler and she said that they should of gotten an email. The scheduler reported it to the Gas Station company and she came back stating that they will let me do the audit. I refused to go back until she doubled my pay if I went back. I did and suddenly the guy that was being all stuck up about the audit had a brand new attitude. Was all smiles and offering me food and drinks lol.

I would recommend being upfront to the store about it. I had another audit that requires you to get permission and the station can refuse to have it done. I went to one station and the guy was nervous about letting me do it. I told him the truth that he has the right to decline it if it makes him uncomfortable. He gave me the go ahead and told me a story that I still can't believe til this day. He said normally they get this elderly couple for the same request but they threatened to have the gas station cashier and owner deported if they refused the request. Even told them that they could take the gas station from them. He knew better better he used to do these type of shops as well and knew that he could refuse it. They were real nasty about the whole thing and unfortunately that made it harder for me. He said the only reason he was OK with me doing it is because I was upfront and honest about the fact that he has a right to refuse it. Get this. I went to another station a few miles away and THEY HAD THE SAME EXACT STORY!! They didn't have the name of the elderly couple but I did put that into my report to the survey company because these type of people makes it harder for us to get these assignments done.

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