Real Personal Information: Phone, Address, Email?

11 months +3 Larimar 5

How do you decide how much REAL personal information to provide? Especially circumstances when filling out a contact form.

Some things are obvious - for example, if I'm making an appointment and need a call back, obviously the phone number needs to work. But others?

  • Do you keep a separate email address just for this work?
  • If you are visiting business that you never plan to use - do you still provide real information?
  • If you do mystery shops at multiple locations of the same company, do you provide the same information each time?
  • Do you experience an increase in junk mail/sales calls when real information provided?
  • If being a local makes sense (and you are not), do you make up a local address?

Again, I'm interested in situation when it's part of the deal to fill out a contact form.

I'm thinking the separate email is a no brainer.

11 months +2 Sariahhh 56
Larimar @ Jun 5, 2023, 2:07:22 PM
How do you decide how much REAL personal information to provide? Especially circumstances when filling out a contact form.

Some things are obvious - for example, if I'm making an appointment and need a call back, obviously the phone number needs to work. But others?
  • Do you keep a separate email address just for this work?
  • If you are visiting business that you never plan to use - do you still provide real information?
  • If you do mystery shops at multiple locations of the same company, do you provide the same information each time?
  • Do you experience an increase in junk mail/sales calls when real information provided?
  • If being a local makes sense (and you are not), do you make up a local address?

Again, I'm interested in situation when it's part of the deal to fill out a contact form.

I'm thinking the separate email is a no brainer.

I would definitely set up a "work" email. And make it a normal unassuming email not something like ilovetroshop69@gmail lol. But that way you can still access it if needed. I only provide real info if I'm interested, or the shop specifies I should. I don't make addresses up I pull up google maps and find an apartment complex and use that address.

11 months +1 Sever 1

Thanks for the hacks! I am new and it is so helpful!

10 months 0 Sariahhh 56

Of course, any time

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