Mystery shopper services/business evaluation services

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Jenn_16886091013805 3

Has anyone done mystery shops for this company and/or have knowledge of them?

I have an upcoming shop for them and emailed two different emails associated with the company without any response. I am wondering of it's still a good company. I appreciate any feedback/input!!

1 year 0 Sariahhh 57

This company, iSS?

1 year 0 Jenn_16886091013805 3

No, but they use the same platform. ISS is like a main place that combines different companies to my knowledge.

1 year 0 Sariahhh 57

What company are you asking about then?

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 Jenn_16886091013805 3

It's Mystery shopper services/business evaluation services

Woah, sorry for the large text :-)

1 year 0 Sariahhh 57

Ohh yes those are the Costco audit shops, they are legit but very time consuming and difficult, good luck!

1 year 0 Candace_16795842995789 6

I've done several shops for them and have positive experiences with each. There should be a phone number listed in the guidelines as well. At least in my case a phone number was provided.

1 year 0 leslie_16998061123577 1

Has anyone did any shop for business evaluation services and had issues with payment? It says I got paid on November 8 but I did not receive anything?

11 months 0 Nina 14
leslie_16998061123577 @ Nov 12, 2023, 4:27:17 PM
Has anyone did any shop for business evaluation services and had issues with payment? It says I got paid on November 8 but I did not receive anything?

If you have questions about payment, please contact immediately or call us 888-300-8292. Thank you

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