Cirrus Update

3 months +1 Renee_17094235612649 6

Many of us have been posting about Cirrus and payment issues. I did finally get paid today after calling and leaving a message for Monie Howard yesterday. She called me back immediately and I was paid today. My suggestion is to bypass sending an email to client care and contact the scheduler directly. Based on other threads, I thought I was going to have to get extra firm and possibly contact the BBB or something, but everything was handled with the one phone call.

3 months 0 plants4jenio 15

That is good to know. Getting paid 72 days after completion is a bit wild… I have it marked on my calendar to call Monie if I am not paid by day 73. So, I am thankful for your testimony!!

20 days 0 Pololani 6

I wish I would have saw these before I accepted one of their apartment shops. Before today it said "MSP typically pays within 60 days of completion." Today it says "MSP typically pays within 83 days of completion." Wow that's crazy it's almost 3 months. SMH.

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