6 years 0 Marni 4
Exact details of how Self Assign works

I have a self assign limit of three. I have completed these, but they have not yet been approved. Does that mean I cannot self assign new jobs until the current self assigns have been approved. Thanks

6 years 0 Marni 4
Exact details of how Self Assign works

Thanks for the responses. One more question. Do all shops have the ability to be self assigned. If not, how would I know?

6 years 0 Marni 4
4 years +2 Marni 4
360 Intel: Fine Dining Shop

My guess is it will be fine provided you explain that in your comments section. I once had a guideline to complete a shop in the dining room only, but on arrival only the lounge was open due to a staff Xmas party. I explained in my report that I did call as required before my visit and was not told the dining room was closed. There was no issue with my report and it was accepted.