5 years 0 susan_15329783073768 6
Newbie in Forum

I am right there with you. I just signed up for a shop. But, i cant find instructions. How do I submit the questionnaire? How do I submit a w8 or w9? Can i do the shop and then submit? I did not see a phone number from Spinx. I wouldn't call a local number, I'm sure

5 years 0 susan_15329783073768 6
Secret shop out of state?

We are going on a long RV trip. Can I find and preform secret shops out of state? Thanks, Susan

5 years +1 susan_15329783073768 6
New feature - GET VERIFIED!

I have just started secret shopping. I am amazed at how little money is made. Especially, if you factor in travel time. I have been enjoying though. But if I pay to do it, I will be losing money! I am shocked that there is a charge!!

5 years 0 susan_15329783073768 6
New shops

Do shops rotate on a regular basis? Are new shops added? I have been shopping for about 3 months and I am not seeing anything new.

4 years 0 susan_15329783073768 6

I have a question about reporting income to the IRS. Sometimes the MSP lists a fee and also reimbursement. What if the MSP only lists a fee. If the pay is $60, but you are required to spend $60, is that considered a reimbursement? Or since it is called a fee does $60 have to be reported as income? Thanks

4 years 0 susan_15329783073768 6
App running in back ground.

I have had the isecret shop app for about 2 years. For some reason it has recently started running in the background and is draining my battery. Does anyone know how to make it stop running in the background? I have looked at settings on the app and on my phone but can't stop it. Thank you.