7 years +1 Carol_15006751954195 4
Goodwin Schedulers are the BEST!

HHmm, so far, not so good. I have been trying to find out how to amend a report I turned in for the editor. I see nowhere to re-enter it, and have several messages waiting to both the scheduler and editor, but no one answers.

7 years 0 Carol_15006751954195 4
Listening to phone shops

Amanda, I just ran into that problem. Finally my scheduler sent me that infernal picture, but there was a link under her message that took me to iSS, but via Goodwin (instead of going directly to iSS-mobile). Only then could I scroll down and see the exact picture that was shown. Aarrgh.

7 years +1 Carol_15006751954195 4
Editor requests changes, but I see nowhere to re-enter

Please, someone tell me how to get back in to the report. It just tells me the report is in process, or something like that. I see nowhere to click to amend my survey. After all the work I've done, I'm afraid they'll take it away because I can't get in. I have been sending messages about how, have not heard back yet.

6 years 0 Carol_15006751954195 4
comment ?tre pr?-approuv?

Pardonnez-moi si cela semble dr?le. J'utilise un traducteur.

Chaque entreprise est diff?rente, mais pour beaucoup d?entre elles, une fois que vous avez un peu d?exp?rience, elles vous permettent de vous auto-attribuer. Donc, fondamentalement, vous ?tes pr?-approuv?.