3 years 0 Robert_15417083999915 2
how many times may I do the same shop?

How many times can you do the same shop? Well, it all depends on the company and the client. You just have to read the rules. Some shops I have been doing have a limit of one time per year while others virtually have no limit. I sometimes do fast food shops for MarketForce and their only rule is to not do the same shop more than one time per meal period. For example, do not do two lunch shops on the same day.

I think a limit of one shop per month per location appears to be the most popular.

Anyone going to the mystery shopping convention in Phoenix in February? I will be there.

3 years 0 Robert_15417083999915 2
Phoenix Mystery Shop Convention

Hi, anyone going to the mystery shop convention in February in Phoenix?

I will be there. This will be my third convention to attend.