7 years 0 Walter_15010883691932 2
What are these icons near the names

Hi, I have a related question. I understand what badges are and how they are assigned. What I don't understand is the Reputation Rank. I currently have a Reputation Rank of 2 and I'm 56 % of the way. Would someone explain these terms to me. What do they mean and how are they assigned?

7 years 0 Walter_15010883691932 2
$14 CDN to Complete iSS Shopper Test?

As I have not seen this test I cannot make an informed comment on its value. I would however like to make a comment on Ivan's second last sentence.


"It was designed as a way for the people at iSecretShop that have been in the industry for over a decade and interacted with dozens of Mystery Shopping Providers, to share their knowledge and insights with shoppers that are really interested in fully understanding the entire concept, expanding their knowledge, and taking the "professional" approach to Mystery Shopping."


The success of anybody involved in the mystery shopping business, (which IMHO includes shoppers, MSCs. schedulers, clients, portals, ISS) is a function of the knowledge, skill set, professionalism, level of engagement of the shopper population. ?.?If a shopper does not succeed then nobody succeeds. It is my opinion that the people at iSecretShop have a vested interest in attracting and developing a strong shopper base.?


The shoppers are the ones who collect the raw data.?Without that data the rest of us can go home, because we would have nothing to do.?


Yes, the people of ISecretShop have valuable information.?But, that information has far greater value if it is used to educate the shoppers. I don?t believe that iSecretShop is in the business of selling training to shoppers.?I believe it is in the business of providing a mechanism by which MSCs can contract with highly trained shoppers for the purposes of collecting data to fulfill the market information needs of clients.?