5 years +1 Drew_15560902252796 2
Did getting VERIFIED make a difference for you?

I may be 6 months late to this thread, but I wanted to say... I just got myself age-verified and as of now there are no new shops available to me. I live in a city which could certainly have a number of locations that would require a person to be 21+. It was most likely a waste of money, but it's possible that it'll open new doors in the future, so I suppose it was worth the gamble.

5 years +1 Drew_15560902252796 2
Shopper perks

When you go to a business and portray yourself as a customer, you are sometimes offered certain enticements. For example, I did a shop at a gym and was given a free 3-day guest pass. Other times it might be something like drinks and snacks. My personal feeling is that, since there is zero chance I will actually be patronizing these businesses, it would be unethical to accept/use the hand-out. I just wanted to get other people's opinions on this.