5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Robin_15728411388877 3
Missing payment

I did a shop yesterday and it was actually great. When I look at the pending payment it states $9.00, but the job paid $15.00. I am new to this so who do I contact? Thank you

Never mind I figured it out.

5 years 0 Robin_15728411388877 3
No payment after 60 days what to do?

That's great to hear Tara. I was getting nervous as I too did shops and I have not been paid, but I am not at the 45 day mark.

5 years 0 Robin_15728411388877 3
360 payment

Why does it take 45 days for 360 to pay out? Is this standard? I have done 4 in November and have to wait 45 days. Just asking..