4 years +1 Todd_16047448261872 7
Seeking Advice

  1. @Caremen is right about time management. Don't worry, the second time you do a certain type of shop will take HALF the time the first one did.
  2. Even with extra pictures you will eventually submit a job and discover after you left the site you are short a picture. Don't freak out, contact the scheduler and see if they will accept a picture you go back for. Schedulers/Editors are human too, be nice to them and they will work with you where they can.
  3. Then read them a third time!
  4. Staples, labels, and folders can be your friends.
  5. Have a recharging power bank and keep it charged.
  6. Having your own car is not a 100% MUST, but you will have a lot of issues if you don't.
  7. Dress up or down as needed, yes!
4 years +1 Todd_16047448261872 7
Cheapest Item

For Best Buy health and safety audits that reimburse $2.00, buy a soda from the fridges at the checkout line. With tax you end up with a cold drink for about $0.12 cost to you.

3 years +1 Todd_16047448261872 7
Revealed Mystery Shops

I have completed some revealed gas station audits both with and without a mystery shop first. I agree with @Martin_Canad that the shops with a gift to give are the most fun. While you have to follow the guidelines I try to do the mystery part in way that gives the employee as much chance as possible to earn the reward.

As long as you are comfortable with doing the revealed audit part I suggest going for them if new to you. Try it, you might like it! (Note that gas station audits require you to have an orange safety vest,)

3 years +2 Todd_16047448261872 7
Revealed Mystery Shops

It amazes me that some managers shoot themselves in the foot like this. Who would not want to do well on a Corp. audit? Has not happened to me yet but the friend that got me into doing these has had a couple of nasty experiences.

3 years 0 Todd_16047448261872 7
Revealed Mystery Shops

I agree @Tina. I'm not there looking to cost anyone their job, just to answer the questions. I'll cut as much slack as possible and not nit-pick, but if a pump screen is unreadable or all the trash cans are overflowing I have to pick "No" and take the picture.

3 years (Edited 3 years) +1 Todd_16047448261872 7
Revealed Mystery Shops

Hello @Angela. Most Fuel Audits are revealed after a small mystery shop. The ones I have done require a fuel purchase and/or a inside store purchase. Often there is a reward certificate for you to late give the clerk if they asked you the right question. Then you go back to the car, get your vest on and come back in with the LOA (Letter Of Authorization)

You mileage may vary, (Pun intended) but just read all the shop details provided, they usually spell out what you need to do in great detail. It can be a bit tedious, but you should download and read every one of the files they link you to. Printing out the PDF's can help you at by giving you more reference on site your first time.

It will take long on your first one, but once you get familiar with these they can be quick enough to be worth pay vs. time.

3 years 0 Todd_16047448261872 7
New and need advice

@Angela, you give the LOA after any small 'Secret Shop" portion of the audit, if it has one. You give them the LOA right away when you go back into the store wearing your orange safety vest. "Declared Audits" are just that, declared.