1 year 0 Garth_16695047409117 1
Always being declined

Please know that I have never had an assignment denied. Perhaps I am fortunate, but I do want to share two things I use in my strategy to get approved because, afterall, who wants to put forth time and effort for no pay.

Ok, so I read the instructions at least six times before doing the assignment, probably more like ten times. And I read them over a few day period to think about it, and always one last time in the parking lot (or wherever) immediately before walking into the assignment. I also write down key elements required and review them several times so that when I'm in the moment doing the assignment I already have everything in my mind so I can do it, get in, get out, and immediately start preparing my report so I can make sure I hit all the key elements and, in the event I missed something, promptly return to get it.

Ok, so point one is really prepare for the moment.

And the second thing I'll put out there is how I view the report. For the most part, it never asks for my opinion, only for my observation. So I never say I waited a long time, I only state the amount of time I waited (eg: Was approached 5 mins 23 seconds after making my presence known). I try to avoid saying the representative was nice and instead say she made eye contact, spoke in a pleasant tone, slowly and clearly making it easy to understand her, she smiled throughout the encounter, made me her total focus by not accepting calls from anyone else, etc, etc.

Please know that I'm not telling anyone how they should do their assignments or word their reports, but rather only sharing my strategy that has got me an approval on every assignment I have conducted, so far, at least.

I hope this helps.