When you request the job a pop-up window will say you have to have the certification AND there should be an email on the pop-up.
Send a note to the email listed indicating you are interested in the training.
The training is a live zoom meeting. It takes about 1 hour. Take screen shots as you go. These will be helpful for the test as well as when you are in the field.
This was the response I received via email...however it still didn't exactly answer my question..
Great question!
Because our client requires a specific level of?educational?knowledge in order to complete their evaluation, the?Education?Badge?is required in order to request and accept this shop.?Badges?can be earned as shoppers complete shops through different industries, shop types, or even because of their reliability and quality of work.?
To view what?badges?you've earned so far, please visit your shopper profile:?https://www.isecretshop.com/badges?
(Any specific questions regarding your earned?badges?can be directed to iSecretShop via a support ticket)
Not all shops do require a?badge?to complete, so please do not be discouraged! We'd love to work together on other opportunities, so please keep us in mind if you are looking to request our other available in-person or phone evaluations.