I just walk in holding my phone in my hand with my recording on. On an iPhone, you can turn your screen off and it will still record under the "Voice Memos" app. I honestly record any shop I do (even if it is not an audio required shop) if and when I am interacting with someone so It will be easier for me to recant what occurred when completing my report.
Best of luck!
Hi. I use my iPhone for audio recording. I just open the "Voice Memo" app and start a new recording upon entering the business. I simply just hold my phone like I'm just carrying it. You can turn your screen off and it will continue to record.
I hope this answers your question.
Good luck!
I recently did a lot of apartment shops and they just keep getting easier and easier. I think they are my favorite right about now.
Welcome! I have a tip for phone shops? if you aren?t calling through a recorded line from the client, I always record my calls on my phone so it?s easier to fill out the report if I forget something or to just double check.
Good luck and I hope you heal quickly!