7 years 0 Bunny 4

What purpose do the badges serve?

7 years (Edited 7 years) +6 Bunny 4
Double standard

Janis_15062390042098 @ Nov 20, 2017 9:34:52 AM

I get so frustrated when reading over assignment guidelines I find typographical, spelling and grammatical errors all throughout the instructions. Usually prefaced with strong threats that if my report is not free of these same type of errors I risk my report being rejected and my not being paid. Should not the MSP be setting the example of the quality of work they expect from the contractors? I have had to contact a scheduler from time to time for clarification of the guidelines that were so badly butchered thay were incomprehensible! Major pet peave!

You spelled "peeve" wrong

6 years 0 Bunny 4
No available jobs

Ive never seen this b4...what happened to all of the jobs??? Is secret shopper going oob?

6 years 0 Bunny 4
Double standard

Yes I see this on your thread. Are you using a tablet?