1 year +1 Aldonia 3
New and confused - 2 questions

How do I become Shopper Certified?????? Theres a shop to scan items at my local mall and it pays $114 when I request it says I have to be I believe Secret Shopper Certified and it says see form .......

10 months +1 Aldonia 3
Grammarian badge: sabotaged!

This has just happen to me. They changed everything. So frustrating, and making it seem like it was me. I know exactly how to fix this. Im going to start taking screenshots of my abswers.

I feel as if every shop, I have to gain an unorthodox method to ensure my shop is successful.

10 months 0 Aldonia 3
Advice for new shoppers

But Reimbursements are only given if you purchased something. So you are not making any new money just replacing what you spent. Compensation is what you make. So why would you want the reimbursements to take precedence over compensation