7 months +1 Brian_17107761941633 7
New shopper

Welcome Marlena. There are many different Mystery Shop companies (MSC's) that use the platform. Just select the mileage filter that you are willing to travel and ALL shops available will appear. If you have not signed the agreement with an MSC then you would need to before being able to assign but it will still appear. Shops appear randomly from different MSC's so it is best to check every couple of days. Soon you will start to notice patterns for your favorite shops and can adjust your reviews accordingly. Enjoy!

4 months +1 Brian_17107761941633 7
New Shopper ? Available for Internet-Based Assignments Only

Welcome! Good luck. Isn't the internet awesome, connecting us together all over the word. What a marvelous time to be alive!

4 months +2 Brian_17107761941633 7
Has this happened to you???

It is painful when you do a lot of work and then get something rejected.

After many of these painful lessons, I look back and find that in most cases, I didn't do something EXACTLY as the guideline stated through misinterpretation, misreading or misremembering from a previous gig.

Always print or save the guidelines attached to the shop and read, understand and do verbatim.

It seems like some are unprofessional and curt, but this is a business, leave personal feelings aside and reflect if you did or did not perform the job as specified. If you did not, learn a lesson on how to improve and move forward.

Some things I have changed:

1) Always take additional pictures. Duplicate photo policies are ridiculous (IMHO) but real.

2) If an instruction is able to be interpreted, DON"T!. Contact your scheduler and get clarification prior to the job. Most issues occur for me when I assume an instruction means one thing and the company assumes another.

3) Don't take it personally. Remember you are an independent contractor at the mercy of the company. Learn their quirks and adjust; or make the decision that this company is not for you. The less emotion you put into it the better your success and satisfaction will be.

2 months 0 Brian_17107761941633 7

Welcome. Happy shopping! I like to setup reminders to check the board in the evening every few days so I can see and accept new opportunities. Good luck!

2 months 0 Brian_17107761941633 7

Accept your interested shop. Read the guidelines carefully and have fun!

2 months 0 Brian_17107761941633 7

Hello! Happy shopping!

2 months 0 Brian_17107761941633 7
New to this

Welcome, happy shopping! I find using the isecretshop app is easy and intuitive.

Payment is quick and the editors are fair and accommodating to allow mistakes/omissions to be corrected.

Each location is different as far as number of shops posted. I usually have 10-12 active shops up on any given week in my area.