7 months 0 Alicia_17139847434864 2
Golf Assignments


I am relatively new to secret shopping (3 - 4 months). I have been grinding out the smaller shops to increase my experience and ranking. In the last 2 weeks a couple of golf shops became available, one with a hotel overnight stay. I am comfortable with the overall customer service evaluation, restaurant, and the hotel requirements, but I have never played a round of golf in my life. I own no equipment, clubs, etc. I am not in a financial position to purchase golf clubs and/or learn the sport, but am wondering if there is a way to effectively complete the shop to meet the client's needs and not "out" myself as a mystery shopper. Any advice would be appreciated as I want to continue to expand my skill level to gain access to additional assignment opportunities.

3 months 0 Alicia_17139847434864 2
declined shop and points / standing

Hello all.

I am in my first few months of mystery shopping and still relatively new. I have been doing a lot of the USPS shops and I recently made an error due to oversight on my part and my shop was declined. I offered to go back to correct the issue or redo the assignment on a different day and am waiting for a reply, however I received a notification that the shop had been declined. I completely understand and agree that I should not receive any compensation due to my error, however I was unsure how if at all it would impact my overall standing, points, etc. Can anyone shed some light onto how that works? I have been really grinding away to try to increase my standing to ensure I continue to have opportunities and hopefully get additional shops. My goal is to turn this into a full time business, but if my error impacts my standing I would love to know how to correct or counteract it.

Thanks in advance for any insight.