7 days 0 Nicky_17154489766862 3
Storage Audits for Cirrus - Don't Do Them

AZCross @ May 5, 2024, 2:15:30 PM
Yesterday I had an interesting look into how they do things after reading through something like five pages of shocking Yelp reviews. I ended up sending an Email to Debbie Depew once again stating that they were behind, but this time for payment which was already two weeks past due on two of my assignments and asked her to remit payment to the accounts payable team. I then contacted ISS support and let them know that Cirrus was in breach of contract with several people being that the MSP states 45 days after completion as long as the assignment was accepted. I did leave a one star Yelp review for them, and followed it with a BBB complaint which doesn't match their Yelp reviews being A+ and no complaints on BBB and 1 star on Yelp with a novels worth of them not paying. About two hours later I received a notification that all four assignments were paid out! I went back on ISS to see if there were any other shops waiting to be picked up and noticed the one company missing was... you guessed it Cirrus! I asked my friend to look on her profile just off a hunch and sure enough, Cirrus after paying out unfriended me and blocked me on ISS so I can't see their posts anymore. So if you do the work, you don't get paid. If you demand payment, you get paid and they block you and go look for someone else that won't do anything and continue to not pay out.

My history with Cirrus:
4x Apartment shops
1x Took two months to be accepted and in the payment pending
2x 15+ days late getting paid
Demanded payment and now they don't want to be my friend anymore.

"May the bridges we burn today light our shopping path for the future."

I'm late but thanks for the heads up. I only wished I visited the forums before accepting any assignments from them. I have a few assignments pending payment and thought I'll look into the payment status. The time frame has changed from 41 to 81 days until completion of assignment for payout. I remember the payout taking a while but not 81 days! I'm going to contact them about this and hopefully I can get paid sooner. As far as them blocking you, look at it as a blessing in disguise. After this I don't plan on accepting anymore assignments from them so I don't even care if they block me. Hell I wish I could block them from appearing on my search results.

4 days 0 Nicky_17154489766862 3
What BS!

Yep had the same thing happen to me. That was the last one I accepted. Then they had the nerve to call me asking if I can do some of the assignments. Hard pass

4 days 0 Nicky_17154489766862 3
Revealed Mystery Shops

I've done a lot of Gas Station reveal audits and I like them for the most part. When I started the pay was generous but now it takes a while before they start adding bonuses. I've had a few hiccups but it's not common. I had one gas station declined the audit claiming that he wasn't aware of it. I told my scheduler and she said that they should of gotten an email. The scheduler reported it to the Gas Station company and she came back stating that they will let me do the audit. I refused to go back until she doubled my pay if I went back. I did and suddenly the guy that was being all stuck up about the audit had a brand new attitude. Was all smiles and offering me food and drinks lol.

I would recommend being upfront to the store about it. I had another audit that requires you to get permission and the station can refuse to have it done. I went to one station and the guy was nervous about letting me do it. I told him the truth that he has the right to decline it if it makes him uncomfortable. He gave me the go ahead and told me a story that I still can't believe til this day. He said normally they get this elderly couple for the same request but they threatened to have the gas station cashier and owner deported if they refused the request. Even told them that they could take the gas station from them. He knew better better he used to do these type of shops as well and knew that he could refuse it. They were real nasty about the whole thing and unfortunately that made it harder for me. He said the only reason he was OK with me doing it is because I was upfront and honest about the fact that he has a right to refuse it. Get this. I went to another station a few miles away and THEY HAD THE SAME EXACT STORY!! They didn't have the name of the elderly couple but I did put that into my report to the survey company because these type of people makes it harder for us to get these assignments done.