I like shops where I don?t have to spend money, but those don?t come up often. Restaurants are the hardest because they pay so slow and it?s tough to be required to take a guest when guests don?t enjoy the process and have potential to blow it for you.
What type of secret camera is used most often? What are the requirements for a camera to go on secret shops that want it recorded? I?m a former training & development instructional designer with years working with video and audio, so I thought this might be interesting.
Brian, I?m wondering about audio/video shops. My background is in instructional design with years of recording and editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. It?s different, but I might enjoy video shops. I?ve looked at hidden cameras but I know nothing about what company?s are looking for. Do you have any direction for me?
LynDee Heinen
Oh my goodness, Amanda! I copy narratives into MS Word, one to proof outside the squished text box, and two to keep what I wrote. I wouldn?t like it if someone rewrote my answers. Maybe editors should subscribe to Grammarly. My background is in technical training development and design, so my writing is direct and concise. I use Grammarly to soften the tone a bit, but if I miss the proper grammar, it will suggest corrections. Careful though, because Grammarly sometimes totally changes the meaning of the sentence. I?ll have to pay attention to from now on. How do we read what was sent to the client?
Cheneada @ Sep 19, 2023, 3:26:25 AM
Hello all! I am Cheneada and am new to mystery shopping. I love it and I am trying to get more opportunities to earn bigger pay outs. i even paid for the 10 dollar course thinking that would give me a shot but I got a message to come to this page to do a audit shop and I am not understanding what is going on here. Can someone shed some light for me?
What is shopping scout certified?
please correct me if I?m wrong, I believe it is the intelliscan training where you learn how to scan 1,900 items at Costco. I went through 1/2 of that training, but realized I?ll never request one of those.
Prism Intelligence is the platform iSecretShop uses, isn?t it?