7 years 0 Erica_15156335327226 4
APP won't load on my iPhone?

I?ve had problems recently when I was able to get in the app, but when I wanted to load the photo of the receipt, It took me several tries to realize that all I had to do was completely back out of the app, go back in, and try to reload the photo again. Sometimes, even when hit the ?refresh? button to reload the page, it will still try to read an error in the section. Hopefully, that is that case (to go completely out of the app and then go back in). However, the program needs to be fixed if that was the case

7 years 0 Erica_15156335327226 4
Changing Mystery Shopping products

Whom do I talk to, to suggest changing the mystery shopping item to inquire? There is one shop that constantly asks for the same scenario for a shopper to ask about. It is hard to mask the status of being a mystery shopper if you live in a small town and run into possibly the same staff members at the store if you do multiple visits because they would probably think ?Didn?t you ask about that item already the last time I saw you??

7 years +1 Erica_15156335327226 4
New to here, but not to mystery shopping.

Thank you so much for the wonderful greeting. I, too, am not new to Mystery Shopping. I have participating in shopping assignments since I was stationed at Travis AFB, CA between 2000-2007, but didn?t sign up to be a shopper until 2003. I took a three year break from shopping because there were no opportunities while I was stationed in Japan at the time. However, when I returned back to the states, I resumed my shopping assignments.

7 years 0 Erica_15156335327226 4
Status of my Mystery Shopping inaccurate

I was wondering why it shows that I have been a shopper for this company for only three days when I have had answers to their questions in the questionnaire dating all the way back to 2016?