On the eve of 3/5/18, I had difficulty using iSecretShop on the web (site would not load sections intermittently)?to make my report. I switched over to my iPhone (current with all updates). Access was great but I was unable to edit sections (correct typos) and I was not able to see what I was typing.?
I advised my contact for the shop, her reply is below.?
**No. I received over a hundred shops and there were no other IC?s that had anything to say about issues on the site. If there are errors I will have to send back to you right now to make corrections.**
The following day I was able to make corrections to the report using my iPhone but still not able to view the comment section as I was typing.?
Curious if anyone else has this difficulty using an iPhone?
Thanks and have a mysterious day
Contact your scheduler ASAP, before or after the shop or before or after submission of the report, if any issues arise. They can resolve most issues. :)