7 years 0 Ashley_14997957406334 5
Every date returns error, "Shopper has scheduled [date] - Please schedule more than 2 day(s) apart."

I was having that issue too. I reached out to the MSP directly to get scheduled. But it's good to know that this problem is being rectified.

7 years 0 Ashley_14997957406334 5
Unable to schedule

I have been unable to schedule James Avery shops the past couple of times I've tried. I even contacted the MSP directly but never got scheduled. The shop is posted as available but I tried scheduling for every date in range and each one says I can't schedule for that date. So how are we supposed to schedule? If it's not available, why is it showing up as if it is?

7 years +1 Ashley_14997957406334 5
Goodwin Schedulers are the BEST!

I like Goodwin as well!

7 years 0 Ashley_14997957406334 5
Badges Awarded?

Hi All!

I just recently completed a movie shop(I loved it btw), and I thought that I might get awarded and entertainment badge for it but I wasn't. I did however receive a level up for my Legacy badge, but I was hoping for a different type of badge such as entertainment to show the different types of shops I've done. Any thoughts on how the badges are awarded and whyI didn't get that particular badge?

7 years 0 Ashley_14997957406334 5
Unable to schedule

Thanks for all the info guys!