Finding past shops I completed

8 months 0 Lisa_17178944729424 2

Hi, I'm Lisa and new to this site. How can I go back and see the shops I completed. They are no longer showing up for me and I want to make sure I get paid. Also, how long does it take to get paid??

8 months 0 Michelle_17188027859447 3

Hi Lisa,

in the main login screen, click on the Payments icon. All accepted shops are there. If you have anything in editing, they won?t show up until it?s been approved and accepted. Some MSPs can take a few weeks for editing though.


8 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 36

Looking under "Pending" rather than "Paid" in the payments are may be helpful to you, too. How long it will take to get paid depends on the MSP, but estimated time frames are listed.

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