Scanning faster

2 years 0 Kristin_16598062124719 4

Any suggestions and ideas on how to scan quicker? I am worried I will not get enough scans again.

2 years 0 HeidiAZ 1

Hi. I assume you?re talking about the shops where you go and scan a bazillion products and enter prices? If so, I?d love to help but it?s hard to know what to suggest without knowing what you?re currently doing. How close are you getting to the minimum number that you need? I?ll think about my process and let you know if I have any tips. I?ll also pay attention to how I?m doing it next time I do one, but that won?t be until next weekend. Have a great week!

2 years 0 Tracy_16656953047222 1

Hello guys new shopper here. what do we NOT scan

2 years 0 Susanne_16616983113282 2
HeidiAZ @ Aug 29, 2022, 8:26:54 AM

Hi. I assume you?re talking about the shops where you go and scan a bazillion products and enter prices? If so, I?d love to help but it?s hard to know what to suggest without knowing what you?re currently doing. How close are you getting to the minimum number that you need? I?ll think about my process and let you know if I have any tips. I?ll also pay attention to how I?m doing it next time I do one, but that won?t be until next weekend. Have a great week!

1 year +1 monica_16834857548376 2
One of the shops I do for Costco, I scan the following: electronics, office supplies, kitchen appliances and cookware, automotive, seasonal items, outdoor items (LIfetime shed, umbrellas, wagon, chairs), some clothing (Kirkland jeans, some shorts and Levis jeans, undergarments and socks), and kitchen racks so I'm going to price any items I don't on my FIRST shop to scan 1900 items.
if you've already shopped your bazilion items, how did it go? How did you learn what NOT to scan?
Tracy_16656953047222 @ Nov 2, 2022, 9:59:59 PM
Hello guys new shopper here. what do we NOT scan

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