Help for New member

6 years 0 Brenda_15472145475510 2

I'm new and I need to know if this is legit, please if anyone has anything good or anything bad that could tell me about this please give me information

like has anyone actually get paid. I am a stay at home mom and need something.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Brenda -

The work offered on through iSS is real. I have been mystery shopping for about three years and promise that it has been a very significant boon to my family's budget. Most of the shops that I do are through companies not affiliated with iSS.... I work full time and, through shopping, brought in close to $25,000 (not including reimbursements) for my family last year.

Yes, this is very real. You do have to be careful as there are also a lot of scammers who claim to be offering mystery shopping. However, this site weeds that nonsense out.

6 years +1 Lora_15341383138723 1

Yes, mystery shopping is very legit! You just have to be aware that like with so many things these days, there are people out there with ulterior motives who want to exploit the opportunity and scam people. That's why you see warnings on all the legitimate websites about how they will never send you a check and ask you to deposit it.

It does take time to apply with the numerous companies available, and you don't/won't know if they have shops in your area until after you apply. However, once you get signed up with several companies who do offer shops in your area, you can make a decent side income. It would be very difficult to make a full-time income from mystery shopping, and most articles about it state that. How much you make depends on your efforts, how many shops are in your area, and how hard you want to work! I have a full-time job and mystery shop on the side and average $300-$400 a month. But I do work a lot and will do shops on my way home from work and then on my days off. Also, as you invest time and effort into it and get better at it, then you can be selective and get higher-paying shops and schedulers may even reach out to you at times for assignments. Good luck!

6 years +1 Christian_15303858772300 1

Bonjour tout le monde, apr?s une dizaine d'ann?es d'absence me voila de retour

6 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

Yes it is real

6 years 0 Ivan 951

Well, everyone here already said it :)

Thanks for being active and honest you guys!

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