Worse mystery shop companies

6 years 0 Lori_15508477888766 2

Does anyone have a mystery shop company they don?t like?

6 years +1 Michele_15032031952719 383

I haven't come across one yet.

6 years +3 MFJohnston 388

Overall, it's not wise to bash MSC's. Schedulers work for multiple companies and grouching about one can get you into trouble with others. There are two about which a note of caution would be appropriate:

Red Quanta: They are struggling to pay folks. I don't know the inner story, but they are based in India, there are language barriers and questions about the criminal history of one of their schedulers.

Cirrus Marketing: They require a separate invoice that you have to submit separately. If you don't, you will not get paid. They also have a pay schedule that makes you wait close to four months before being paid, so it's really easy to lose track of your work for them unless you are organized.

5 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

Waiting 4 months isn't too bad if you have other shops,and the one you are waiting for you don't have to buy anything.

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