6 years +1 Sarah_15494427351901 3
How to know how many points or what level I'm at?

Hello everyone!

I am new and I've just recently completed my first few shops... I have also completed all of the vidoes in the ISS training, including the ones I had to pay for. Now my question is... did that help me at all? I have seen in other threads, that completing the videos help with your points and all. Is there a way to see how many points I have, which level I'm at, how close I am to the next level, which badges I have, ect??? Thank you all very much in advance ;)

6 years 0 Sarah_15494427351901 3
How to know how many points or what level I'm at?

Hello Christopher. I have used the app and the website, but only from my phone.

6 years 0 Sarah_15494427351901 3
Opinion Polls

I have tried to go to the "Opinion Polls" tab every day since starting, but there are never any listed. Are there ever any listed or do I have to go on the website? Thanks so much in advance!
