1 year (Edited 1 year) +6 TrueBlueSue 5
Forum Contributor badge?

You get the Forum Contributor Badge by having your posts on the forum “upvoted” by others. In other words, if everyone here gives a thumbs-up to every post here, we will all be on our way toward earning that badge. Hope this is helpful!

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 TrueBlueSue 5
Funeral Phone Shops

Miranda_16727328199180 @ Jan 3, 2023, 5:28:35 PM
How do I accept iss terms and conditions. In order to assign my first web shop? And how do I get an education badge?

Hi Miranda,

To accept the ISS Terms and Conditions, click on the box in the app that says “iSS TOU” (it’s the 4th box down on the right). Scroll down to the bottom, type in your name, and click Accept. That’s all there is to it.

To earn an Education Badge, you have to do an education shop. I did one education phone shop last week and already earned the badge, so it’s not too difficult. Just keep your eye out for those education phone shops and grab them quickly. Hope this is helpful!

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 TrueBlueSue 5
Can’t accept Contract it’s not available

Joy_16726781521541 @ Jan 2, 2023, 4:54:23 PM
I’m new to the program and I’m trying to sign my contracts but a lot of them don’t have the accept button and sign at the end of it. What am I supposed to do? I can’t accept a job until I sign the contract but it’s not available.

Hi Joy,
On the MSP Agreements page, where you see the list of MSPs, if under the MSP Name/Phone Number/Website you see a green check mark in front of the words “IC Contract Accepted” there is nothing else you need to do. In that case, if you click on the MSP, then click on View/Accept Contract, there will be no signature block at all, because you have already accepted that contract.
Are you referring to MSPs that in the list are RED and say contract not accepted?

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 TrueBlueSue 5
New to Secret Shopping

Tiffany_16580001116380 @ Jan 1, 2023, 12:13:20 AM
How do I get Get a education badge and Other badges

Hi Tiffany,
As you do shops, the MSPs award you badges. The more shops you do and the higher quality they are, the more badges you earn. That’s basically the gist of it. I hope that is helpful!