7 years +1 William_15053445973291 7
Achievement badge question


I feel a little silly as a 45-year old being concerned about virtual badges but.......

My shops are generally accepted without comments or questions, and the acceptance e-mail states that I have received points towards my next rank. Quite often the progress toward the reputation level doesn't budge, moves a different amount for the same number of points awarded, and often does not show in the other categories (retail, casual dining, bowling, etc).

Is this what others are experiencing? Is it still that the system is new and not all of the MSPs are participating? Am I as ridiculous as I feel for caring?



7 years 0 William_15053445973291 7
7 years 0 William_15053445973291 7
Self assign limit 2?

Wendy has good ideas.

If the reports are able to be done on the fly, you can turn them in as you go and see if there are more available on the route. Pending/in-review reports do not count toward your assignment limit.

Also, a way to get more XP, get to the next reputation level and raise your assign limit is to take the intro classes. The two free classes that are bare bones intros have almost enough XP to get to Level 2 and may increase your assign limit.

Posting in the forum, taking the polls, etc are all ways to add to your XP and get a higher assign limit. It may seem only tangentially related, but it's true.

4 years +1 William_15053445973291 7
Opinion Polls


On the dashboard, "opinion polls" is in the main menu. A blue box appears with the number of current polls open.

This number is "0" quite a bit of the time which means there are no polls to answer.

If it is any other number, you click/tap on "opinion polls" and the list of polls opens.

I am a fan of polls, and would like to see more of them, too.

Hopefully this helps!


4 years 0 William_15053445973291 7
Website changes?


I haven't had any troubles with the website, but the app crashes more often than it has in the past for me. The joys of tech.
