15 days 0 AZCross 59
Safe to assume all payments come 30+ days later?

This depends on the company. If you read their shopper agreement it gives you their terms, but one place specifically Cirrus Marketing states 45 days after submission and for my latest shop it took four weeks to even be on the pending payment, and oldest shop with them is over 62 days and still no payment. Prism Intelligence however had a 24 hour payout which was very much appreciated.

14 days 0 AZCross 59
Storage Audits for Cirrus - Don't Do Them

Yesterday I had an interesting look into how they do things after reading through something like five pages of shocking Yelp reviews. I ended up sending an Email to Debbie Depew once again stating that they were behind, but this time for payment which was already two weeks past due on two of my assignments and asked her to remit payment to the accounts payable team. I then contacted ISS support and let them know that Cirrus was in breach of contract with several people being that the MSP states 45 days after completion as long as the assignment was accepted. I did leave a one star Yelp review for them, and followed it with a BBB complaint which doesn't match their Yelp reviews being A+ and no complaints on BBB and 1 star on Yelp with a novels worth of them not paying. About two hours later I received a notification that all four assignments were paid out! I went back on ISS to see if there were any other shops waiting to be picked up and noticed the one company missing was... you guessed it Cirrus! I asked my friend to look on her profile just off a hunch and sure enough, Cirrus after paying out unfriended me and blocked me on ISS so I can't see their posts anymore. So if you do the work, you don't get paid. If you demand payment, you get paid and they block you and go look for someone else that won't do anything and continue to not pay out.

My history with Cirrus:

4x Apartment shops

1x Took two months to be accepted and in the payment pending

2x 15+ days late getting paid

Demanded payment and now they don't want to be my friend anymore.

"May the bridges we burn today light our shopping path for the future."

14 days +2 AZCross 59
Unfriended by Cirrus for holding them to their own MSP

Yesterday I Emailed Cirrus about them being late on two payments per their own MSP being 45 days after visit pending acceptance. I also filed a BBB complaint and let ISS know that Cirrus was in breach of contract as an FYI because ISS controls which companies can post jobs here.

Two hours later payment for all four shops were paid in full! I went back on ISS yesterday evening to see if anything new had popped up on the available jobs and learned that Cirrus blocked me for taking action once they weren't following their own contract.

On the BBB complaint, I did state that if they were going to hold payment for 60-70 days, just simply update their TOS but as long as it states 45 days people are expecting those terms to be followed just like the schedulers are expecting contractors to follow their terms.

Not really upset at all, just an oddity for that one company. The others have all been exceptional though so I'd much rather not need to chase payments and need to send Email requests to even get things accepted after I had gone out of my way and took pretty much everything they had on the board so they could clear their queue.

14 days +1 AZCross 59
New Guy here

Welcome Marc,

Best place to start is sign the various provider contracts and go through the forum so you sort of know who you're working for. After that, go for something you think would be easy at first... the ones that have you buy stuff normally don't pay nearly as well as pictures and a recap of events. If you have questions or issues just make sure you reach out to your scheduler and once you get comfortable and busy make sure you update your calendar and regularly check your Email. -The shop is the easy part, the report takes time.

14 days 0 AZCross 59
New Here!


Best place to start is sign the various provider contracts and go through the forum so you sort of know who you're working for. After that, go for something you think would be easy at first... the ones that have you buy stuff normally don't pay nearly as well as pictures and a recap of events. If you have questions or issues just make sure you reach out to your scheduler and once you get comfortable and busy make sure you update your calendar and regularly check your Email. -The shop is the easy part, the report takes time.

13 days +1 AZCross 59
Unfriended by Cirrus for holding them to their own MSP

Myron_17106542477224 @ May 6, 2024, 9:16:08 AM
If you refer to their pending payments, it indicates that Cirrus Marketing typically pays within 69 days. I would just wait patiently for that time to elapse.

Per their policy and from Debbie Depew, payment is 45 days after onsite visit. Where do the extra 24 days come from when the signed contract clearly states 45 but they're allowed to hold payment almost an entire month after that agreed on time passes? If they need more time to pay why not change the written contract to be more accurate instead of just lying to people?

8 days 0 AZCross 59
Cirrus Marketing


I held them to their MSP which states 45 days and they ended up paying me but also blocked me. All for the better in the end though because on a different site I ended up this month alone getting seven KIA test drives, one Tesla drive, and one Porsche drive plus a few smaller ones from places that pay out in very close to 30 days on the 14th of each month.

8 days +2 AZCross 59
Explain it to me like I am a young child Phone Shops Web Shops go quickly sometimes no pay

Karl_16617356751737 @ May 8, 2024, 4:29:24 PM
I did a search for a thread I saw a long time ago explaining why the phone and/or web shops posted here go so quickly and it happens even if they are low or no pay jobs. I couldn't find it, so I decided to post.

From what I recall, people said that doing those jobs even though at low and sometimes no pay put you in a category to qualify for higher paying jobs. Can you help me understand this?

So, not related to the phone/web shop part of things I just finished a Porsche test drive yesterday that paid out fairly well. Prior to this though, I've also done one Tesla shop and seven KIA shops. The only reason I wasn't really questioned on the Porsche shop though is because I've already done very similar shops multiple times and have a good track record. Back to phone shops, if you're successful at a few of the small low pay shops you may be considered for a harder but higher paying shop. Personally, I think about the only reason I'd take the phone shops though is if I could pull something like 6-7 per week just because the mattress store one was a seven minute call and only took me about fifteen minutes to complete and submit the report. I've also done two oil change shops where reimbursement was equal to the shop and only paid $12, and similar for car washes but the way I look at it is that my car stays clean and I was able to change the oil on both vehicles and make a couple bucks off the deal.

Personally though I've read a few people's opinion on the more expensive college shops and don't really think it's worth the hassle. Call their advisor people and show interest. Wait a day or two for a follow up, then respond back in another day or two with another question or two so it's like three to five days worth of calls and Emails where I can complete one vehicle, an apartment or an audit in a day or two and make the same is not more and don't need to be checking my Email or waiting for a call back.

8 days +2 AZCross 59
Got deactivated by 360 Relay?

ok, so there's a CYA step I always do on my shops for instances like this... hope it helps you guys. There's an app called Timestamp camera that's free. It's just like your camera, but also watermarks the GPS location, time and date of where that photo was taken. During my tours or visits I always make an excuse to whip that camera out and snap a few pictures (two being selfies of me entering the shop, exiting) and then making up reasons why I absolutely HAVE to get a photo of this because (insert your own or copy my excuse) "Man, my girlfriend is really missing out, she would absolutely love the way this place looks! I'm going to snap a few pictures for her and brag when I get home so we can come back later and get a membership/lunch/buy a car, etc." If there's any doubts, I have usually about five photos all with GPS, address, time and date stamp ready to wield like a razor sharp sword if anybody has any doubts that I was too busy to do something.

8 days 0 AZCross 59
Shipping Shops

Shipping shops? Mind posting the details of the shop? I've run into a few of these in the past and they turned out to be a scam... Just curious as to the details because I've never seen where a company would legitimately ask you to ship something.