New to ISS

7 years +1 Mandy_Lynn5 3

Hello everyone I just wanted to quickly introduce my self. I?m Amanda from Las Vegas, a newbie to ISS. I have been doing shops for about 2 years! This is a little different then what I?m used to! If anyone has any advice for me I?d love to hear it! hope you all have a FABULOUS Week!!


7 years +1 Emily_15163466849733 3

Hi Amanda, I?m a new member as well and am signing up for my first assignment. I?ve always wanted to be a mystery shopper and mystery restaurant patron so I?m looking forward to these experiences. Have you completed a few shops already, and if so, how did you like them?

7 years +1 David_15157399294557 58

I mystery shopped a couple years ago and stopped for personal reasons. I started back with isecretshop last month because I really had fun doing the shopping. I enjoy being the "secret agent" and trying to get my story past the target. I have completed four assignments so far and found the instructions?to be easy to understand and the reports quick and easy to complete. Good luck with your first!

7 years +1 Ivan 951

Welcome aboard guys!

I really hope you like the system and the shopping opportunities available. Here's a forum page with some tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your experience:

And of course, whatever questions you may have or stories you want to share - go right ahead!

7 years +1 Falestin 5

Hi my name is falestin im new here first time shopper i dont understand whats reimbursement and compensation mean and how do we know how much we get paid. Its a little confusing too me. Please help me

7 years +1 Ivan 951

Hi Falestin,

Compensation is the fixed amount that shoppers are paid for successfully completing a shop.

Reimbursement is the maximum amount up to which your expenses on a shop will be reimbursed after you have completed it.

So for example, if a shop offers a $50 compensation and up to $40 reimbursement, and you complete it and spend $32 - you would be paid $50 plus $32 to cover your expenses. If you spend over $40, you would receive $50 + $40.

Some shops only have a compensation fee, some have only reimbursement, and some have both.

I hope this helps answer your question!

7 years +1 Falestin 5

Oh i. Get it now thank you for kindly explaining it too me.

7 years +1 Ivan 951

No problem, you're most welcome!

7 years 0 Mandy_Lynn5 3
Emily_15163466849733 @ Jan 25, 2018 8:08:11 AM
Hi Amanda, I?m a new member as well and am signing up for my first assignment. I?ve always wanted to be a mystery shopper and mystery restaurant patron so I?m looking forward to these experiences. Have you completed a few shops already, and if so, how did you like them?

That's AWESOME!! that sounds like fun ;) I really enjoy secret shopping, it's like a mini adventure for me. I haven't completed any assignments threw ISS yet. I was having an issue with the app but it seems like its good to go now. The only shops I've completed were retail, online, and audits.?I hope you had a great time at dinner! Let me know how it went.?

7 years +1 Patrick_15178940317986 74

Hello Amanda and the other new shoppers,

I'm new here myself, i'm in Arizona. I just finished my second shop and had my first approved. Looking forward to

spending the loot from that one. :)

It's been fun so far and I hope to be doing this for some time to come. Added to my eBay earnings this should

give me a good little income.

Have fun all and again welcome...

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