Newbie On Delmarva

6 years 0 Michael_G 1

Howdy. Live on Delmarva. New to secret shopping, but not new to the food service industry. Quite different to be on the other side of the line now, but it is necessary for better business. Son tipped me off about ISS. Always wondered how to become a secret shopper. I've done two shops so far, and once the school year gets rolling hope to do more. Hope to get some different shops after a time, because if I keep going back to the one store they might get suspicious, lol! Might have to shave or grow a beard. :)

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388

Greetings! You ought to have access to quite a bit of shopping opportunities there, especially if you are willing/able to drive a little. The mystery shopping world is remarkably large.

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