New to isecretshop

5 years 0 Ree 2

I have been a secret shopper for about 20 years but not with Isecretshop. I live in a very rural area and most companies dont have alot of secret shops around me, i usually have to travel an hour or so to do anything. I saw that this company does over the phone shops. I was wondering how these are to do, are they worth the time?

I'm very excited to get started with isecretshop and lean their way of doing things. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions so be patient with me.

God Bless and have a wonderful day.

Ree Payne

5 years 0 Vivian_15108710436555 3

iSecretShop is not a MSC. It's simply a platform that some MSCs use, much like Sassie ot Prophet. You can see which MSCs are on this platform by looking at the "Provider Contracts" (scroll down the side menu on the Home page).

5 years +1 SethB 45

A lot of people that live in rural areas find phone and web shops useful. Then, if they are taking a trip to an area with shops available, they pick those up. As long as you read through the shop guidelines, the shops are not difficult to complete.

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