No darling, I did not. Although I could have found me one of those old time tee shirts that had a bikini body painted on it and might have won just because it was so funny! Maybe next year. Ya'll can come be my groupies and cheer me on. I can display my trophy in my den and explain to my Cadette Girl Scout how I won it.
@Michele LOL
That one is the best. Too bad if Olivia de Haviland wants to do it, but good for most of the rest of us!
Wow, I cannot believe they increased the rate so high Beatrice; kudos to you!
that's so awesome!!
Great story Bertice. It was a tough assignment, no takers, you showed them your moxy Betrice!??
Thanks. You just made me feel really good. I think I'm going to have a hit of Geritol and go to bed.
Incredible story, thank you for that! :)
And all this time I thought my turning 42 was the new 22. I have been awarded age limit shops for under 27 just because I barely look 25-27 when I take the time to do my hair and makeup. Though when I was pregnant 14 years ago, I did look hilarious doing a liquor store shop.
Betrice - that is hilarious on those shops. I noticed the age did change to 66 and had no idea why!