Good evening!
I was wondering if, as time progresses and the covid restrictions lighten, if more shops and opportunities become available?
Thank you!
So far I am enjoying the age verification shops, what are your favourites?
With the Covid problem going on I have had to leave my comfort zone and take shops that I would not have taken in the past. While some of them might be a little uncomfortable to do, I have found myself feeling a little more relaxed as time goes on. When restrictions begin to lift I envision myself taking on more shops and increasing my income. In a nutshell, I think the Covid restrictions are making me a better and more competitive shopper.
That is definitely a good way to look at it. So far there has not been something I find uncomfortable doing, yet I am sure I will run into something!
I have noticed more shops becoming more available. But they are still regional. If you don?t live in an area with a lot of wineries, there may be none who need mystery shopping. In neighboring they are doing Denny?s and Mel?s Diner. I don?t think there is a Mel?s Diner in Santa Clara County, but there is Dennys, but no Dennys shops here.
What are age verification shops?