Hello new friends!

7 years 0 Lisa_15109586647979 2

Hi all,

I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you, say hello & am happy to know there is an actual forum here. I'm fairly new to the whole mystery shopping thing, definitely not new to shopping though! At any rate I've been reading thru many of the comments made here, seems like there are a lot of frustrations about all sorts of things. I hope this is worth it. Have any of you been here a long while? I'm just curious if anyone has been here long enough to know all the tricks of the trade so to speak, if you've been for the most part a long time are you happy, etc.

Last, I'm just curious to know if this is your favorite mystery shopping app or does anyone belongs to other mystery shopping apps? I assume the answer to the last question would be yes, I ask because I'm also curious which ones are also worth signing up for, which ones are not or which ones are scams. I've found some places where you have to pay a 1 time fee but that seems crazy to me.

Any info would be greatly appreciated as a N00b to this whole thing,

Hope everyone is doing well!

4 years 0 Sher 5

Hi, some of us have been doing this for a very long time. We mailed in our answers. So the apps are great. If you join companies that are part of the MSPA (think that?s right) they are not scams. As far as what companies are great none of us can answer that for you. It is individual and area specific. I, like many, have been doing this for over 20 years. Record keeping is important. If you like spreadsheets it?s a great way to keep track of what shops you have done and when you get paid etc.

welcome and good luck.

4 years 0 Martin_Canada 125

Sher - I have mystery shopping for over 20 years as well! Some of my first mystery shops were paper based and had to mail the results back. They were slowing converting each client to the Internet! LOL Best mystery shop was a Luau while on vacation in Hawaii! :-) Worst mystery shop was a health inspection shop for a variety store. :-(

4 years 0 Sher 5

Martin, I think this shows our age. My worst was a route of gas stations with lots of pictures and somehow the setting on my camera got messed up they looked great small but could not be blown up at all. They let me go back and redo a couple but that was it. Lost hours of work. The best ones were a restaurant shop my husband and I both loved and it was a great date night for us. Was so sad when it went out of business.

4 years 0 Martin_Canada 125

Yikes - that has happened to me. My photos did not turn out so I had to go back and take them again. :-(

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