Isecret Shop Experience

1 year 0 MegDog 2


What is everyone's opinion on this website so far? Have ya'll been very successful using isecret? My shops keep getting declined for some reason and I even bought and passed the certification Exam.

1 year +2 Naomi_16638028677184 2

Hey Megan,

When you request the shop it's getting declined? I've been pretty successful with the shops I've requested. For the shops that I request that aren't assigned, either someone else requested the shops sooner than I did, or I don't have enough experience for them. Example: there were some education phone call shops that required I have x-amount of badges. So I have to work on some "smaller" calls to get my badge rating higher.

I usually log in and check the job board once a day just to see what is available in my area and try to have an idea of what my schedule is so that if I see a job I'd like to apply for I can do it right away. I'm still new at this though, so that may not be what exactly you are looking for.

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 MegDog 2

Hey Naomi,

thanks for your reply, that’s odd I have been approved for one of the high paying college assignments so far and it’s only going to be my 3rd shop but the cemetery calls and another company keeps rejecting me for some reason, idk I’ll figure it out. Do you make a decent chunk of change one here?

Hey Naomi,

thanks for your reply, that’s odd I have been approved for one of the high paying college assignments so far and it’s only going to be my 3rd shop but the cemetery calls and another company keeps rejecting me for some reason, idk I’ll figure it out. Do you make a decent chunk of change one here?

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