New Here!

7 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 36

You can check on payments by going to the "Payments" tab on the iSS website. If you then filter by pending payments, you can see what's owed to you and how long it typically takes an MSP to pay. There should also be a phone number and e-mail address you can reach out to regarding payments. I would personally be patient for a while and contact them if the time for payment has exceeded the listed average for that provider. For most MSPs, I believe you should expect a payment through PayPal.

7 months 0 AZCross 68
Jamie_17160688025648 @ May 18, 2024, 9:50:05 PM
hey i just completed like 4 jobs and wondering why my payment hasn't gone through? where do i send the w9 and who can i contact?

Go to the assignments tab and see if it's even been accepted yet. If it has, go to the payments and it'll tell you when the MSP normally pays out. Most of the places just as a heads up end up delaying payment by a month across all the platforms. I think the fastest I ever got paid was three days and slowest so far was 45 days.

2 months 0 Max_17305167317802 1

Hey, you guys, I’m pretty new to this too, just been doing it for a few weeks. I have been successful I think with pretty much everything – but I have a limit of two shops that I can schedule it one time. Because sometimes they are long shops that need to be scheduled at certain hours on certain days, Some of them might be scheduled a week or two in advance – – but I’m trying to get at least one or two done every couple days. Any hints? I will do whatever I am assigned to do. I just need to know how to get past the scheduling limit. I do understand the need for such a thing; but I also can schedule my time a lot easier, if I don’t just have to pick shops that I can do that day, only because I don’t want to schedule something a week in advance that might pay great, and be right where I happen to have to be that day, but will then take up my slot for the entire week.

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