Hello, I'm new to this gig

8 months 0 Freyaj137 1

Hello! I'm brand new to this gig and super confused on what is required to be authorized for as many opportunities as possible and where to find the information to complete all requirements. Any help is appreciated, thanks for your help!


7 months 0 Kristen_27 1

Hi Freya I'm feeling the same, I don't know how this works I must have missed something. What are the contracts? Where are the instructions for the shops? What do you do when you're there?

In one of these posts, I read that a shopper got to drive a Porsche. Do secret shoppers test drive?

Please any insight will be appreciated. Good luck Freya

Sincerely, Kristen

7 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 36

Hi Kristen,

The contracts are just independent contractor agreements that you need to sign for the MSP in order to accept a job from them. Prior to be being assigned a shop, you will be able to see an overview of what it entails. However, you will not be able to see the full, detailed instructions until it is assigned to you. Every shop is different, but you will generally be making a set of specific observations and writing up a report/filling out a survey regarding the details of interest.

There are some automotive shops that involve test driving vehicles. I have never completed one of those, though and can't speak to it.

Hopefully that's helpful!

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