360 payment

6 years 0 JDFREE 4

Please help!

How come on my Payment screen it sasays NOT PAID

? Does that mean they aren?t paying me or that they still haven?t paid me?

thank you!

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Did you get feedback from the MSC after you submitted the report?

I think "not paid' could mean either that you haven't been paid yet or are not going to be. All of mine currently either say "paid" or "pending." If the MSC was rejecting your report, they should have sent that information to you in their feedback. Is there a green "submitted invoice" button under the shop as listed on the "payments" page? If so, click it and see what it says.

6 years 0 Assonta 18

Hi all we get paid on 2/22 and 3/5. So whatever shops you completed before 2/22 will be paid on 2/22. Whatever shops you've completed after 2/22 will be applied to 3/5 pay.

Go to payments and you will see the total amounts you were paid for each shops. Overtime you make you shop the total adds up including reimbursements and bonuses. Hope this helps!

6 years 0 azncollege 2

360 Intel pays 30-45 days after your shop.

5 years 0 Denise_15330635172945 6

If you are seeing this under your payments tab, then your shop has been approved and submitted for payment. Now you just need to wait the allotted pay out time for payment to hit. If you view the payment tab on a desktop, you will see your job say pending. Hope that helps.

5 years 0 Kelley_15483125065125 1

The jury is still out on 360 as far as I'm concerned. Over three months I did 10 or 12 shops for them and I've yet to see payment.

5 years +1 MFJohnston 388

Kelley -

Intel360 says to contact them if you have not been paid within 45 days of the shop being accepted (not turned in). When you look up these shops on your "Payments" list on the iSS website, what does it tell you about the status of the payments? How many of these unpaid shops were performed before about 1/20? The company is legitimate and iSS will not keep MSC's around who do not pay shoppers.

5 years +1 Brent_15320575704803 16

They are legitimate, I?ve been paid by them often. Only once did they go past the 45 days and they paid as soon as I contracted them.

5 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184


Not paid is just the status of payment. It means that you have not yet been paid.

5 years 0 Robin_15728411388877 3

Why does it take 45 days for 360 to pay out? Is this standard? I have done 4 in November and have to wait 45 days. Just asking..

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