6 years +3 Turtle_Momma 7
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!

I might as well admit I don't always read the descriptions completely before I push the apply button, so when I saw the word theater, I pushed apply as fast as I could....

It was a theater alright - an adult theater and sex shop!!!!!!!..The kind of place where they arrested Pee Wee Herman back in the 90's.

I didn't want to get a negative mark on my rookie reputation, so I went to the "Circle Theater" to audit their selection and display of Screaming O products. There's a lot more to the story, but I'm supposed to be typing a report, not typing funny stories.....hahahaaha

If anyone has a similar story though - I'd love to hear it!

6 years (Edited 6 years) +1 Turtle_Momma 7
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!

No - it wasn?t a chain (as in chain store with multiple locations). I was just checking to see if they had a certain product...Why do you ask I wonder? Eh?

P.s. Michele - I hope my reply didn?t sound smart alecky- sometimes when you write words they can be misconstrued...

6 years +3 Turtle_Momma 7
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!


I?ve only been SS-big for a few weeks and I?ve completed four adult novelty shops (3 of them mystery), had my blood drawn and took a UA test only to find out I didn?t clarify a clarification about badges (We don?t need no stinking badges! -Blazing Saddles)....So far so good....

do they have a Screaming O badge?

How did you get so many badges?

This is a funny car dealership commercial...about a Badger:


6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Turtle_Momma 7
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!

I remember when I was a teenager and put two and two together on K&G convenience store...my brothers and sisters laughed and laughed about. It still makes me giggle...

Thrre used to be a Shipping company like FedEx or UPS called Going Postal, but I don?t know if they?re still in business. Are you from Canada, Martin?

I remember when I was a teenager and put two and two together on K&G convenience store...my brothers and sisters laughed and laughed about. It still makes me giggle...

Thrre used to be a Shipping company like FedEx or UPS called Going Postal, but I don?t know if they?re still in business. Are you from Canada, Martin?

I remember when I was a teenager and put two and two together on K&G convenience store...my brothers and sisters laughed and laughed about. It still makes me giggle...

Thrre used to be a Shipping company like FedEx or UPS called Going Postal, but I don?t know if they?re still in business. Are you from Canada, Martin?

6 years 0 Turtle_Momma 7
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Turtle_Momma 7
New member

Stephanie_1974 @ Oct 21, 2018 6:25:50 PM
Hi Stephanie from Wichita KS I'm excited

Hi Stephanie:

I?m in Wichita too...

Have you heard about the cool bowling and fun center shops?

They're begging for shoppers right now.... If you are interested, let me know and I can get a referral fee for recommending you.

They reimburse you for everything and pay quick...


Stephanie_1974 @ Oct 21, 2018 6:25:50 PM
Hi Stephanie from Wichita KS I'm excited

I'm probably going to move from Wichita, KS soon.

Perhaps I can share all my info with you so you don't have to start from scratch...

Let me know if you're interested...


6 years 0 Turtle_Momma 7
Please help, I'm new

That happens here and there...

Isecretshop is a scheduling company for many different mystery shopping companies.

It's just like Presto or Sassie or Jobslinger or Gigspot (if you haven't already - I suggest searching the app store for the above names).

They have agreements that have to be signed for all the companies they schedule for...check the MSP Agreements tab.

Also make sure your extended profile is filled out and confirmed/verified.

Also make sure your radius is large enough. Let's say you have it set for 20 miles and the shop is 21 miles away. I set mine to 99 (which is the limit for most companies) just in case...

Sometimes another shopper has already taken the shop.

See if there is a contact on the email (they call them schedulers) - maybe push reply and see if it goes to a human.

Even if the company with the job is part of isecretshop, they may have their own website with a job board...

Last but not least, try searching google using some of the info from the email.

If you haven't yet, check out this website:
